getting started
cost of ownership
bloodstock agents
your trainer
transporting your horse
role of veterinarians
horseshoer or farrier
do I need insurance?
a catalog page
An Introduction to
Thoroughbred Ownership
Some things about racing have changed
since the old footage to the left was shot, but the basics remain the
same. For me the best owners are the ones that are well educated about what
to expect from their horse ownership experience and know how to use that
knowledge to make the experience a pleasurable one. To that end,
this section presents some information to get you off on the right
"hoof" in your thoroughbred venture.
By now you must have some interest,
and perhaps even some knowledge of the Thoroughbred Industry, or you
would not be here at this web site. What an exciting and at the same
time challenging business! The beauty of these powerful animals is beyond
comparison. Over the years I have experienced everything from the
top stakes horses to watching the youngsters develop into majestic
racehorses. Every foal crop is a new challenge, and new faces. It
never is exactly the same from year to year. An old saying in the
business is "breed the best to the best and hope for the
best" and I could add "and hope they don't fall into any
potholes along the way"!
The getting
started section will tell you about the basics of
getting started in the thoroughbred business, some different types of
horse ownership options, and how to acquire a horse.
After you "get started"
there is some basic information that should be helpful regarding
bloodstock agents, trainers,
how horses are transported,
what role veterinarians
play in the care of your horse, information about equine insurance
options, tax basics, and a reference
I hope you find this information
useful, whether you are thinking about becoming an owner, or are already
an existing owner.